What is Level Up?
Level Up is a resource for all game devs working in the industry to view and compare salaries between game studios. We calculate the overall average base salary for a job title, as well as in each location.
Where does Level Up's data come from?
Level Up's data comes from a variety of sources. The majority of our data comes from publicly disclosed salary data from the United States Department of Labor. The rest comes from publicly listed salary bands scraped from game studio job postings, as well as verified and anonymous submissions from other game devs.
Salary data is missing for a job title, can you add it?
Level Up relies on anonymous submissions of game dev salary information. If there's no data for that position on the site, that means unfortunately we have no data to display. If you do have info on this position, feel free to submit it here!
Salary data for a job title looks wrong, can you fix it?
You might be right! We've heard that the salaries for employees under H-1B are unfortunately lower than the usual market rate. Since our initial data set is based on the public H-1B database, that means some salaries displayed may be slightly lower than reality. The only way we can adjust these averages is with additional submissions to our database, which you can contribute to here.
I found an issue on the site/have a question about Level Up, how can I tell you about it?
Feel free to DM us on the official Level Up Bluesky account!
Does Level Up make money?
Honestly, we don't. This site is intended to be a free resource for game devs on the job hunt (or looking to jump to another studio). Unfortunately it does cost money to run the site, so if you'd like to chip in to help out with hosting expenses, you can support us on Ko-fi here.